How To Become a Pinterest Spammer

How To Become a Pinterest Spammer

Are you looking for a Pinterest Robot to automatically post and generate affiliate money?  I just discovered this program called pinpalbot.  One Pinterest spammer has put together his collection of automated Pinterest robots and offering his software out.  With his software he has generated over 120,000 followers and makes over $1000 a day and rising.  This is for real and this concept is easy. All you do is pick the products to pin and pin them with affiliate links and this generates you money. Are you already on Pinterest?  If you ever tested out Pinterest you know that stuff you pin gets repinned pretty easily by other users.  Just think about doing that, 100 fold or even 1000 fold automatically! Also this pinbot can repin your pin making it more popular and showing up to even more users!  Get it now while it’s still available!

Why this works on Pinterest

Are you still here?  Well, allow me to explain why this works so well.  First off, Pinterest is the hottest social website out right now.  Their user base is growing at an unprecedented rate and they reached over 100 million visitors quicker than any other website in the HISTORY of websites! Faster than Facebook and Google!  Since everything on Pinterest is basically an image, link, and caption it is perfect for promoting products! It is very social and a pin is able to go viral with the click of a few users.  I think I read something on the internet if 14 people like something and it gets to 14 of their friends and etc it can go viral.  Another thing about pinterest is that it is still a very young company.  They are having exponential growth and they don’t have the resources and methods to filter out what everyone is doing.

Generating Money

Do you know what affiliate marketing is?  For those that don’t, it is the referring of a potential buyer to another company and collecting a commission if there is a sale.  For example, if I send users to Amazon with a special URL and they buy ANYTHING, I make anywhere from 4-8% of the sale as commission.  So if I pin a product on pinterest with the link to amazon I can collect money on anything people buy if they click on my “pin”.  You do not even need to build a website.  Just pick cool and interesting products and let the pinterest robot do the rest!

Why you should get your pinterest robot today

I have been a professional web developer for over 6 years and I have built many websites.  I have encountered a lot of ways people make money online.  I’ve played around with placing ads, selling services, SEO (search engine optimization), PPC (pay per click), affiliate programs.  I have also witnessed the incredible speed at which the internet evolves.  One thing is certain and that is things are constantly changing and what may work now may not work in 2-3 years.  But when things are hot you can make a lot of money, FAST.  Just don’t blow all of your money when it comes in.  You can be at an advantage if you get started earlier, because Pinterest may tweak their services, the work you do now can be useful for the future.  Also, in business I discovered it is generally best to just put up some money for products and services you need.  Sure you can try to do thing yourself, but you will never reach the end if you give up out of lack of motivation.  Time and speed play a crucial role in business.  Your time is valuable and products and services are sold and bought by million of people for a reason.  I have learned this somewhat the long way and now that I make a decent about of money this is even more true.

How To Become a Pinterest Spammer